Signature bouquets with delivery in
“Words of Love” Duo Bouquet “Words of Love” Duo Bouquet “Words of Love” Duo Bouquet “Words of Love” Duo Bouquet “Words of Love” Duo Bouquet
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50 $

“Words of Love” Duo Bouquet

Art. 3648as

This bouquet is made with fresh flowers and love. Handcrafted by our florists, this stunning bouquet is ready to impress.


Bouquet contents: Rose, Dianthus (Carnation), Stipa

Bouquets made with love

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We pack bouquets in stylish branded boxes with lids for all weather protection (heat, cold, wind or rain - order a bouquet no matter the weather!). We also include instructions on how to care for a bouquet and a product to prolong the life of flowers.